Born 1958 in Freiburg, Germany, I was educated as a biologist and worked in biological and pharmacological Research and Development in Germany, France and – for the last 25 years – Denmark. During all this time, nature photography was my passion. I work both as a wildlife and a fine art photographer.

As a wildlife photographer, I was honored to be elected by the Association of Danish Nature Photographers (NFD) as Danish Nature Photographer of the Year (2021), and having my pictures picked and awarded in both national and international competitions.

As a fine art photographer, some of my work has been chosen to participate in juried group exhibitions organized by art associations and galleries, both nationally and internationally. I am also honored to have received two distinctions as Nordic Grandmaster of Photography, by the Nordic Federation for Photography (NFFF), an as Artist of the Danish Society of Photography, by the Danish Society of Photography (SDF).

For an overview, please find below listings of my Exhibitions & Publications and the Awards I received over the years.

